The Essence of TCM

Herbs play a very central role in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Chinese herbal tradition recognizes a very wide range of natural substances that are classified according to their individual properties. These wonderful herbs are said to have qualities such as warming, cooling, tonifying, calming and many more. Plants have specific parts such as roots, barks, leaves, woods, twigs, flowers, fruits and seeds that can be utilized for their medicinal properties. To utilize the natural power of these plants, the herbs are either boiled with water or soaked in oil or alcohol. The herbal extracts obtained can then be taken as a tea or tincture or used externally, for example in the form of lotions, creams, massage oils or similar products.
The aim of every treatment is to create harmony between yin and yang in people. Our products therefore incorporate the concept of harmonizing and strengthening the body. Use the millennia-old knowledge of the power of herbs to restore the balance of yin and yang and thus eliminate disharmony.
Yin and yang are fundamental concepts of TCM and represent principles that polar opposites which at the same time are interconnected and complementary forces. Yin stands for the feminine, passive, cooling and calm principle, while yang stands for the masculine, active, warming and energizing principle. In TCM, it is assumed that a balance between yin and yang in the body ensures health and well-being. Disruptions to this balance can lead to illness, and the aim of TCM is to harmonize yin and yang in the body in order to promote health.

LIAN adheres to the strictest quality assurance requirements, compliance with which is regularly monitored by the authorities. We have built up long-standing partnerships so that all our natural products undergo multiple testing procedures in the country of origin in accordance with our specifications. In addition, every batch is checked for identity and any impurities in LIAN's in-house laboratory in accordance with official regulations. This enables us to ensure that you can enjoy the best quality on the market.

For LIAN, the holistic understanding of man and nature, of illness and health also means adhering to ecological and ethical principles. When it comes to species protection, we strictly adhere to the provisions of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), which regulates the trade in protected products and only permits this if protected species can be proven to come from cultivation.