Qing Yin Cha – Sonorous Voice Tea

18.50 CHF incl. VAT (2.6%)

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People who use their voice frequently and intensively, such as teachers or singers, particularly appreciate this tea. Qing Yin Cha contains nourishing herbs such as Ophiopogon tuber (mai dong), scrophularia (xuan shen), momordica fruit (luo han guo) and licorice root (gan cao), which help to moisturize a dry throat.
The sterculia seeds (pang da hai) and the root of the balloon flower (jie geng) are used to treat dry phlegm and restore the voice.
Honeysuckle flower (jin yin hua) clears heat and cools the throat. These herbs have a soothing effect on the throat and relieve irritation.
The tea has a strong and sweet taste, which is pleasant. It is a good choice for people who put a lot of strain on their voice and are looking for a soothing tea to care for their throat and voice.

pang da hai (Sterculiae Lychnophorae Semen) jin yin hua (Lonicerae Japonicae Flos) mai dong (Ophiopogonis Radix) luo han guo (Momordicae Fructus) xuan shen (Scrophulariae Radix) jie geng (Platycodonis Radix) gan cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma)

Nutritional information pe

Put one teaspoon of herbs per cup of tea in hot water and let it steep for 40 minutes. Keep it warm in the pan or in a teapot over a candle. Important: Make sure that each spoon contains a stercularia seed (almond-sized brown seed). The herbal mixture can be reused several times. Drink two to three cups spread throughout the day.

Use during pregnancy is not recommended

Chinese Name Latin Name Western Name
pang da haiSterculiae Lychnophorae SemenSterculia seed
mai dongOphiopogonis RadixOphiopogon Tuber
luo han guoMomordicae FructusBitter Melon
xuan shenScrophulariae RadixScropularia
jie gengPlatycodonis RadixPlatycodon Root
gan caoGlycyrrhizae Radix et RhizomaLicorice Root

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